Rocky Mounts Lift Ops!! New and Very Improved!
RockyMounts LiftOp Med. This has been Flush Mounted into a Whispbar crossbar. So what's so great about the New Rocky Mounts LiftOp this year? Get your pad and pen ready cause this list of features goes on for a while. The LiftOps have added a new and improved universal cable strap mounting system along with a flush mounting option for those of us with the Thule Aeroblades or the Yakima... -
Thule AeroBlade Flush Mount Ski Rack Hardware
Thule's new ski racks, the Thule 92724, 92725, and 92726 now come equipped with the new SpeedLink Hardware. The SpeedLink hardware is easy to install, lockable with Thule's One Key System (included), and fits a broad range of crossbars, including factory installed crossbars, Whispbar Racks and the new Thule AeroBlade Crossbars. What we have found is that the SpeedLink hardware - while functionally excellent - looks a bit chunky...